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Data and Users

Now that you have completed your administrator training, it's time to validate your data in Asset Essentials and invite more users to learn the new platform.


       Bright Idea:

Remember to make minimal changes in your training environment, as most changes will be overwritten in your final data migration to your production environment.

However, updates to the following areas will carry over to your production environment.

  • Enabled Users

  • User Role and User Permission updates

  • Work Order Routing modifications


Key Goals

  • Make sure that your locations, assets, and users were migrated correctly.

  • Identify and activate key users that need to be trained.

  • Encourage your Supervisors and Technicians to leverage the self-guided training resources to learn the new platform.

Data Validation

Once you access your Asset Essentials training environment, you will want to review and validate that all of your data migrated successfully and is structured correctly. The sections below serve as a checklist of items you will want to verify prior to signing off to move your data to the production environment.

Actions to take

  • Log into Asset Essentials and check the following:

    • Locations and Sub-locations

    • Assets

    • Work Order Routing

    • Users

  • Make note of anything that might need to be updated so that you can change it once your production environment is live.

  • Activate users that will need training before moving to your production account (for example, Supervisors and Technicians).


Training your Team

Training your maintenance team is vital to a smooth transition to Asset Essentials. Making sure they are trained prior to launch ensures they can handle their assigned work and any new requests that come in. We have a wealth of resources available to use to get your Maintenance Supervisors and Maintenance Technicians trained and up to speed.

Actions to take

  • Make sure that you have activated the users that need in-app training. See Activating a user for more information about this task.

  • Assign Supervisors and Technicians to complete the in-app training walkthroughs and view the video tutorial learning paths.


Next steps

Process Testing