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Site Management

If you have purchased additional licenses for sites, you can configure and manage them under Site Management. This section controls general settings for your sites, including default time zone, layout, email settings, and availability of locations and categories. *Note: It is important to have a clear understanding of Locations and Categories before setting up and managing your Site Calendars.


       Bright Idea:

Sites allow you to separate users, locations/categories, and events according to your organization's needs. For example, if you want to separate your athletics calendar from your fine arts calendar, you could create separate sites to handle those different events. You can also use a different event request form for different sites, which allows you to customize the event submission experience of your requesters. *Note: If you have categories or locations that need to be accessible across sites, be sure to add them as a global location or global category.



To access the Site Management page:

  1. Click on the gear icon () to access the Site Administration settings page.
  2. Click on Site Management under Advanced Settings.

Adding sites

If you are logged in as a Tenant Administrator, clicking on the Site Management icon will bring you to the Manage Sites page where you can create a new site or manage your already existing sites. *Note: If you are a Site Administrator, you will only be able to edit your assigned Site.


To create a new site, click Add new site and then proceed through the sections below.


Modifying and deleting sites

To modify an existing Site:

  1. From the Site list, click on the Actions drop down next to the Site you would like to edit and select Edit.
  2. Make the necessary changes to the Site's information.
  3. Click Save.


To delete an existing Location:

  • From the Site list, click on the Actions drop down next to the Site you would like to delete and select Delete.