Public Event Submission

The Event Manager application enables clients to configure the system to accept public submission of events on the Community site. This is possible when the Organization name requirement is either made optional or altogether hidden on the event form.


This change enables requesters who are not associated with an organization to submit community event requests without going through the complex process of associating with an organization and getting it approved. Requestors who want a book a space for a one-off event such as a wedding or a birthday are expected to greatly benefit from this change. Therefore, a major jump in the number of requesters is expected as the application will become more user friendly.


As an admin user, you must make the following configuration changes for this enhancement to take effect.

  • Edit Community Site configuration settings by clicking the Site Management option available on the Advanced Settings tile. For detailed instructions, click here.

  • Edit Community Event form by clicking the Event Request Forms option on the Advanced Settings tile. Further, click the Edit icon for the Community Event form and make the required configuration changes. For more details click here.