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Permit wizard values

The Permit Wizard values display throughout the Permit Application Wizard when a citizen is applying for a permit on the Citizen Portal. *Note: The options listed below are shown in the same order that will be displayed on the Citizen Portal during the permit application process. However, when editing Portal Configuration Values, these options may be in a different order.


       Bright Idea:

Be advised, configuration values that affect introductory text are only applicable pre-submission of a permit unless otherwise noted or overridden on the permit type.

If this does not look like what you see in SmartGov, your jurisdiction may not have access to the upcoming Permitting user interface changes. Click here to view content that matches your experience until the Permitting changes are released to all clients.


Setting up permit wizard values

  1. Click Administration in the navigation menu, then click Portal Setup.
  2. Select Configuration Values.
  3. Select Permit Wizard from the drop-down menu at the top of the page.
  4. Click a Description in the list to view the Edit Configuration Value window. *Note: Any introduction added to the Permit Wizard will apply to all permit types.
  5. Edit the Value as needed.
  6. Click Save at the bottom of the window.


Permit wizard select Type page title

This configuration value determines the introduction that displays when first beginning a permit application from the Citizen Portal.


Case Type selector page introduction

This configuration value determines the introduction that displays when first beginning a permit application from the Citizen Portal.


Permit wizard location page title

This configuration value determines the help text that displays at the top of the page when providing the address or parcel number for a permit application from the Citizen Portal.


Location introduction

This configuration value determines the introduction that displays at the top of the My Project panel after a permit application is created from the Citizen Portal.


Permit wizard location page help text

This configuration value determines the help text that displays when providing the address or parcel number for a permit application from the Citizen Portal.


Permit wizard confirm page title

This configuration value determines the text that will display at the top of the confirmation window upon initial submission of a permit application from the Citizen Portal.


Permit wizard confirm page additional title text

This configuration value determines the text that will display below the title text and above the help text in the confirmation window upon initial submission of a permit application from the Citizen Portal.


Permit wizard confirm page help text

This configuration value determines the help text that will display in the confirmation window upon initial submission of a permit application from the Citizen Portal.


Contacts introduction

This configuration value determines the introduction that displays on the Permit Contacts panel after a permit application is created from the Citizen Portal.


Contractor introduction

This configuration value determines the introduction that displays on the Permit Contractors panel after a permit application is created from the Citizen Portal.


Details introduction

This configuration value determines the introduction that displays on the Permit Details panel after a permit application is created from the Citizen Portal.


Fixtures introduction

This configuration value determines the introduction that displays on the Permit Fixtures panel after a permit application is created from the Citizen Portal.


Valuations introduction

This configuration value determines the introduction that displays on the Permit Fixtures panel after a permit application is created from the Citizen Portal.