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Public notice values

The Public Notice values display in the Public Notice section of the Citizen Portal.

Setting up public notice values

  1. Click Administration in the navigation menu, then click Portal Setup.
  2. Select Configuration Values.
  3. Select Public Notice from the drop-down menu at the top of the page.
  4. Click a Description in the list to view the Edit Configuration Value window.
  5. Edit the Value as needed.
  6. Click Save at the bottom of the window.


Disclaimer for public notice information

This configuration value determines what displays in the Public Notice section of the Citizen Portal. A citizen must Accept the disclaimer in order to view a list of public notices available on the Citizen Portal. *Note: If a citizen declines the disclaimer, they will be directed back to the main page of the Citizen Portal and will not be able to view public notices.


Example: We do not warrant the accuracy, reliability of, or timeliness of any information published by this system and shall not be held liable for losses caused by reliance on the accuracy, reliability, or timeliness of the information. Portions of this information may not be current or accurate and may reflect zoning codes or other information that has been subsequently amended. Any person or entity who relies on any information obtained from this system does so at his or her own risk. All critical information should be independently verified.


Enable public notice

This configuration value enables public notices to display on the Citizen Portal. If this value is set to "No", citizens will be unable to view any public notice information.


Name of public notice contact

This configuration value determines the name that will display as the Contact on a public notice. *Note: If the Use Permit Assignee as Public Notice Contact (if Assigned) option is set to "Yes", this value will populate with the permit assignee's contact information.


Phone number of public notice contact

This configuration value determines the phone number that will display as the Contact on a public notice. *Note: If the Use Permit Assignee as Public Notice Contact (if Assigned) option is set to "Yes", this value will populate with the permit assignee's contact information.


Use permit assignee as public notice contact (if assigned)

This configuration value will list the contact information of the permit assignee as the Public Notice Contact if the permit has an assignee listed in the Assigned To field on the Main tab of the permit. If there is no assignee, the public notice contact will default to the Name of Public Notice Contact and the Phone Number of the Public Notice Contact.