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Prepare for Launch

You're in the home stretch! Now that you are comfortable navigating Asset Essentials and confident that the system is set up to work the way you want it to, it's time to prepare the rest of your organization to join in.

Key Goals

  • Communicate about this change to your entire organization.

  • Make sure URLs, bookmarks, and desktop icons are updated.

  • Set a date for your Asset Essentials launch and make sure you are prepared for the actions that need to take place once you are in your production environment.

Change Management Preparations

Certain preparations are needed when rolling out a new program to your entire organization. You want to make sure everyone is well prepared and has all necessary resources so that the roll out is smooth for all involved.

Actions to take

  • Send out communication to your organization to introduce them to the upcoming change 2-4 weeks prior to your launch date.

  • Involve your IT department to help you make changes to URLs, desktop icons, and bookmarks.

  • Create an internal escalation path for questions and concerns from your users as they start to use the new system.


Launching Asset Essentials

It’s time to launch Asset Essentials for your organization! This is an important milestone, as your organization will now be moving to an entirely new maintenance software. Up to this point, you’ve carefully managed the migration to Asset Essentials to make sure everything is ready prior to your users signing in. Let’s review some last-minute housekeeping items to ensure a smooth launch.

Actions to take

  • Activate your users in Asset Essentials.

  • Activate your PM Schedules.

  • Make any configuration changes that you noted during the validation and testing phases of your migration journey.

  • Update all URLs, bookmarks, and desktop icons to point to your new Asset Essentials URL.

  • Send out launch day communication letting your organization know it is time to start using Asset Essentials.

  • Give everyone their login credentials.

  • Download the mobile app if you are planning to use it in the field.

Final steps prior to launching Asset Essentials