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Report types

There are nine different report types that can be created and run from the Reports list in Event Manager. Each of these reports tracks different information, including facility usage, invoicing, and registration. *Note: If you do not currently have access to this feature, please contact your Sales Representative or Client Services for more information.


       Bright Idea:

For more information on exactly what fields display on each report, please use our Event Manager Reporting Matrix.


Event Details report

The Event Details report is extremely customizable and allows you to filter a list of events by the event information that is most relevant to your operation. You can report by Location, Organization, Invoiced Events, and more. *Note: You may see events listed multiple times if there are multiple locations or tasks associated to the event.


Event Summary report

The Event Summary report is a consolidated and simplified version of the Event Details Report. You can report by Location, Organization, Event Status, and more.


Invoice Detail report

The Invoice Details report allows you to track invoice information for Organizations within a certain time frame. The report can be filtered by Invoice Status, Days Outstanding, Organization, and more.


Invoice Summary report

The Invoice Summary report is a consolidated and simplified version of the Event Details Report. You can report by Invoice Number, Invoice Status, Organization, and more.


Location Conflict report

The Location Conflict report allows you to track your events against each other to prevent two different organizations showing up to use the same space at the same time.


Location Utilization report

The Location Utilization report allows you to track your location usage in Event Manager and analyze important details, including how frequently they are being booked, available hours per reporting period, amount invoiced, and more.


Organization Event Details report

The Organization Event Details report allows you to track events using Organization information, such as Insurance Status or Organization Type.


Payment Details report

The Payment Details report allows you to track the payments that have been made on invoices for your events. You can filter to show the payments made by certain organizations or organization types, as well as view a list of all payments within a certain period of time.


Registration and Sales Items report

The Registration and Sales Items report allows you to track registrations and sales as they relate to events. You can determine what events are receiving the most registrations or selling the most tickets to make better informed decisions regarding events at your facilities. *Note: This report will pull registration information for cancelled and deleted registrations.


Tasks report

The Tasks report allows you to track Tasks within a certain time frame. This allows for more efficient task management, as you can show which tasks are needed for certain events or locations within a given reporting period. You can filter by task Priority, Assignee, Event ID, and more.


User report

The User report allows you to display a list of the users within Event Manager. You can filter by Email, Organization, Role, and more.


Workflow report

The Workflow report allows you to display a list of events that are in a workflow in Event Manager. You can view the Event Name, Event ID, Locations, and who the Next Approver is. This report will help you keep better track of the approval status of your events and make sure that none slip through the cracks.