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You are able to create hierarchies in Maintenance Manager if you have Locations and/or Equipment that need to link together. Examples of Sub-Locations/Equipment could be rooms or buildings within your main location or equipment located within a location.
Adding Sub-Locations/Equipment
- To add a Sub-Location/Equipment, click on the Admin tab and click on Location/Equipment.
- Hover over the name of the Location/Equipment that you would like to add to and in the Actions drop-down menu that appears to the right, select Add Location/Equipment.
- Enter a Name for your new Location/Equipment.
- The Physical Location field will list the name of the main Location or Equipment that you are adding the new Location/Equipment to.
- Enter a Description to provide additional details about the Sub-Location/Equipment.
- Enter in any Notes.
- Choose a Category to physically describe the type of Sub-Location/Equipment you are entering.
- Site - geographical area that may contain multiple structures or areas (Example: Campus, Factory, etc.)
- Building - free standing structure
- Area - place within a building or adjacent to a building (Example: parking lot, office, restroom, etc.)
- Equipment - piece of equipment work will be performed on
- Select a Type to further break down the Category. For example, if you are setting up air handling units as equipment, you can title one as "AHU-001", specify the Category as "Equipment", and then select a Type of "HVAC". *Note: The Types shown are determined by the Category you have selected.
- The fields available in the Attributes section of the form will vary depending on the Category that is chosen for this Sub-Location/Equipment. Fill in those fields as necessary. *Note: If you selected the Equipment category and filled out the Warranty Expiration Date in the Attributes section, when choosing that equipment on the work order form, a small note will appear letting you know if the equipment is under warranty.
- You can add Usage, Attachments, and Links to your Location/Equipment, if applicable.
- Click Save.
- Any Location/Equipment that has Sub-Locations/Equipment linked beneath it will have a tree diagram listed next to them in the Locations/Equipment list. Click on the diagram to view the hierarchy.
Deleting Sub-Locations/Equipment
- To delete a Sub-Location/Equipment, click on the tree diagram next to the main Location/Equipment name.
- Click on the Sub-Location/Equipment name.
- Scroll down to the bottom of the Sub-Location/Equipment form and click on Actions.
- Click on the red Delete Location/Equipment link. *Note: Sub-Locations/Equipment cannot be deleted if they are tied to work orders, however, they can be deactivated.
Deactivating Sub-Locations/Equipment
- To deactivate a Sub-Location/Equipment, click on the tree diagram next to the main Location/Equipment.
- Click on the Sub-Location/Equipment name.
- Uncheck the Active box on the Location/Equipment form.
- Click Save. *Note: If a Sub-Location/Equipment has children attached to it, the "children" of the Sub-Location/Equipment will also become inactive.