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Virtual Classroom Trainings for Energy Manager

Below is a list of virtual classroom trainings that are available to our Energy Manager clients.

To register for a class:

  • Click on Full Class Description and Available Sessions under the appropriate class title.
  • Click on the link for the class you would like to attend.
  • Enter your contact information in the Meeting Registration window that appears. *Note: Be sure to select the correct date and time from the drop down list on the Registration page if there are multiple class sessions available.
  • Click Register.
  • Repeat this registration process separately for each class participant.


Please note:

  • If there are no registrants 24 hours before the session starts, the session will be canceled.
  • If no participants have joined 10 minutes into a session, the session will be canceled.
  • Sessions will be locked 10 minutes after the start time, meaning no further participants will be able to join.

Energy Manager: Database Overview

Goal: By the end of this course, clients should be able to understand the setup of and building blocks of their Energy Manager database.

Audience: Administrators

Duration: 60 Minutes


Energy Manager: Reporting 101

Goal: By the end of this course, clients should have the knowledge to utilize the Home Page Dashboard Charts and run Historical and Ranking Use and Cost, Bill Review, and Miscellaneous reports in Energy Manager to generate the data they need.

Audience: Administrators

Duration: 60 minutes



Energy Manager: Bill Entry Best Practices

Goal: By the end of this course, clients should be able to set up bill entry templates and manually enter utility bills in their Energy Manager database.

Audience: Administrators and General Users that will be entering bills

Duration: 60 Minutes