Licensing tabs
Once you enter the initial license type and relevant information, you will be taken to the full license view. The license type template determines the tabs that display and the order in which they display. There can be up to 15 tabs displayed for any given license type, but four will always be visible: Main, Notes, Renewals, and Contacts.
The Main tab displays an overview of the license. This tab includes contact and address information as well as dates relevant to the license application and renewal.
The Notes tab compiles and displays all notes associated with any part of the license application. For example, all contact notes, submittal notes, and parcel notes will be displayed on this tab. You can add a variety of note types and each note can have any number of attachments. The Display Notes For drop-down box provides an easy way to filter the notes.
The Contacts tab allows you to list anyone associated with the license, such as owners or licensees. Contacts can be added from your existing database or you can add them as new contacts. On this tab, you can identify each contact's role and designate one contact as the primary contact for the license.
The Renewals tab allows you to view the history of the renewal occurrences for this license. You can create new renewals for parent and child licenses, delete pending renewals, and view all renewals associated with the license.
The Activities tab allows users to associate activity types and their charge amounts with a license. Depending on your jurisdiction's configuration, this tab will already be populated with activity types based on the activity classes added to the license type. These activity types may be removed and additional activities can be added if needed at a later time.
The Associations tab allows you to view any permits or code enforcement cases that have been associated with the license or parcel.
The Child Licenses tab allows users to create, view, and update any child licenses licenses associated with the current license. Child license types are configured when creating a license type.
The Conditions tab allows users to associate standard and custom conditions to a specific license. Conditions can be set up to automatically populate when creating a license type, or the conditions can be added to a license as needed.
The Details tab contains custom attribute fields defined by the jurisdiction to capture information specific to the license type that was selected. These fields can be made required or optional, and can halt the progress of the license if not addressed.
The Fees tab displays all fees that have been associated with the license. You can pay for fees, as well as override fee amounts, defer, mark exempt, and add new fees on this page.
The Inspections tab allows you to keep track of any inspections associated with the license. Depending on your jurisdiction's configuration, the inspections tab may already be populated with inspections associated with this license type, however additional inspections can be added if necessary. Once the license application has been created, you are able to request and manage inspections for the license.
The Submittals tab allows you to add and manage any submittals needed to process a license application or renewal. Submittals are documents that may be required for issuing and renewing a license. Depending on your jurisdiction's configuration, this tab may be populated with a list of submittals based on the license type that was selected when the application was initially created. Additional submittals can be added if necessary.
The Workflow tab shows the steps required to process the license application or license renewal. Typically, the workflow steps are grouped into Administrative, Review, and Final worklists. Depending on your jurisdiction's configuration, this tab may already be populated with multiple workflow steps based on the license type that was initially selected. However, additional workflow steps can be added.