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Code enforcement: Violations tab

The Violations tab allows you to associate any code references that are related to the reported issue as well as list when the violations have been resolved.

Adding a violation

  1. Click Add.
  2. If you are adding a Standard code reference, begin typing or click the magnifying glass icon () in the Case Violation window to select the code from the list.
  3. If the code reference you need to add is not available in the list of standard code references, click the Custom option to create a custom code reference. *Note: If you choose a standard code reference and then add any additional text, the code reference will change to a custom code reference and you must enter a new value in the Code Reference field.
  4. Describe the code reference in the Description field.
  5. Use the Legal Text field to enter any necessary text.
  6. If the violation has been resolved, begin typing or click the calendar icon () to list a Resolved Date.
  7. Click Save to add the code reference to the code enforcement case.
  8. Repeat this process to add any additional violations.
  9. Click Save at the bottom of the page.


Managing violations

  1. To remove the code reference from the code enforcement case, click the trash can icon (). *Note: If a note has been added to the violation, you will not be able to delete the record.
  2. Once the violation has been resolved, begin typing or click the calendar icon () to list a Resolved Date.
  3. To view or add any notes associated with the violation, click the sticky note icon ().