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Local jurisdiction values

Local Jurisdiction Values allow the Administrator to set default values for the jurisdiction. These configuration values are configured during the initial implementation of SmartGov, but any changes that need to be made can be done through this page. *Note: Changing these values will affect your overall SmartGov solution. Please contact Client Services if you are unsure of the impact these changes will make.

Changing a local jurisdiction value

  1. Click Administration from the navigation menu.
  2. Click Jurisdiction Setup.
  3. Click Local Jurisdiction Values.
  4. Click the Description of the Value you would like to edit. *Note: This page defaults to show the Jurisdiction Values for All Groups. You can narrow down the list by selecting a specific group in the Select Group drop-down menu.
  5. Edit the Value in the Edit Configuration window.
  6. Click Save.


Commonly used local jurisdiction values