Login Help

If you are having trouble logging in to your FacilityDude account, first make sure you are on the correct website. *Note: If your organization is using SSO (single sign on) for user authentication, your login experience may be different. If you are having difficulty logging in using SSO or you are unsure whether your organization utilizes SSO for their Dude Solutions products, please contact your technology help desk for assistance.


  • Go to login.facilitydude.com. *Note: We have found that bookmarks occasionally generate an error when using them to access the login page. If you are accessing the login page through a saved bookmark, please click on the link provided above or type login.facilitydude.com into your web browser.
  • On this page, ensure that you enter a Login Name, Password, and select the correct product in the Select Product drop-down menu. You will not be able to log in without selecting a product in the Select Product drop-down menu.
    • If needed, click on the eye icon ( ) to view the text you have entered in the Password field.  
    • If your Login Name or Password is automatically filled in on this page, please delete the text in the fields and retype your login information.


       Bright Idea:

If you are having difficulty logging in and require additional assistance, there is a chat option in the bottom right corner that can help!

  • Click on the DudeBOT button ( ).
  • Enter your First Name, Last Name, Email, and Subject.
  • Click Start Chatting. DudeBOT will begin to ask questions to help identify your issue!






       Bright Idea:

If you have completed the above troubleshooting steps and are still unable to login, you may need to try clearing the cookies on your internet browser. Click here for examples of this process in common browsers. If you need further assistance, please contact your IT department.