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Verifying User Accounts

All Event Manager users, both new and existing, should verify their user account in order to log in. *Note: If your organization is using SSO (single sign on) for user authentication, your login experience may be different. You do not need to verify your user accounts for Event Manager.


       Bright Idea:

The user verification process is now required in order to access Event Manager.

Benefits of user verification include:

  • Improved Security
  • New and existing users are in charge of their own password
  • Helps prep for seamless navigation to other Brightly products

How to Verify an Existing Account

Currently, when attempting to log in to your Event Manager account, you will see a new Verify Email screen appear before you are logged in.

  1. If you need to update your email address, check the I need to update my email box and then enter the new email address.

  2. Click the Send Verification Email button.


Verification Email

After clicking the Send Verification button, you will receive a confirmation email so that your email address can be verified.

  1. Open the verification email from Event Manager.

  2. Click on the hyperlink in the email to open the Verify Existing Account page.



  1. After you click the link, you must enter your Current Password.

  2. Click Submit.

  3. Then, enter a New Password and enter it again under Confirm New Password.

  4. Click Confirm and Login to complete verification and log in to Event Manager.


How to verify a new account

Once you have entered your information and clicked Submit on the Get Started section of the login page for Event Manager, you will receive an email notification from the application so that you can set your password and verify your email address. *Note: This process only applies to users self-registering from the community site. Users that are added by Administrators of the Event Manager account will receive an email allowing them to configure their password, but will not be required to verify their account.

  1. Open the confirmation email from Event Manager.

  2. Click the hyperlink in the confirmation email.



  1. In the window that appears, enter your desired password under New Password and Confirm New Password.

  2. Click Confirm and Login to complete verification and log in to Event Manager. *Note: Though you can now log in to Event Manager, you cannot request any events until your membership request(s) have been approved by an Administrator in your organization.