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Event Manager Dashboard

Upon logging in to Event Manager, you will come to the Dashboard. This will give you a quick view of upcoming events, registration information, and events needing approval.


Dashboard Widgets

Events (Last 365 days)

This widget displays the number of events per month over the last 365 days. This data is specific to the site you are logged into.

Registrants (Last 365 days)

This widget displays the number of people who have registered for an event over the last 365 days. This data is specific to the site you are logged into.

Facility Usage (Next 365 days)

This widget displays the percentage of time your facilities are being used for events over the next 30 days, in relation to the time the facilities are available. This data includes all global locations, as well as any locations for the site you are logged into.

Event Revenue (YTD)

This widget displays the total revenue from your events over the last 365 days. This data is specific to the site you are logged into.

Upcoming Events (Next 7 days)

This widget displays all events occurring in the next 7 days. This data is specific to the site you are logged into.

Statistics (Last 365 days)

This widget can be manipulated to display the statistics you are interested in. Using the drop down at the top of the widget, you can navigate between data for Events, Categories, Locations, and Sites. This data is specific to the site you are logged into.

Pending Events

This widget displays any event, across all sites, that the user has access to approve.