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Email Notifications

You will receive different email notifications from Event Manager depending on your user role.

Examples of Event Manager Email Notifications

Below is a list of the most common examples of email notifications you may receive from Event Manager.

Event requested notifcation for user in workflow

This is the email a user in an approval process receives when an event has been submitted that triggers that approval process.


Event Submitted Confirmation for a User who Entered a Request

This is the email that the user who entered the request receives as a confirmation that their event has been submitted successfully.


Event Approved Notification for a User who Entered a Request

This is the email that the user who entered the request receives when the event has been approved.


Event Denied Notification for a User who Entered a Request

This is the email that the user who entered the request receives when the event has been denied.


User registration confirmation 

This is the confirmation email a user receives after registering for an event.


Order Notification for an Administrator When a User Registers

This is the email that an Administrator receives when a user registers for an event.


Organization request notification

This is the email that users with the "Manage Organizations" site permission receive when a community user registers for an account.


Organization request approval

This is the email that a community user receives after they have been approved for an organization they requested to join.


Organization request denial

This is the email that a community user receives when they have been denied from an organization they requested to join.


New organization request denial

This is the email that a community user receives after they have requested to create a new organization and the request is denied.


New organization request approval

This is the email that a community user receives after they have requested to create a new organization and the request is approved.


Organization member removal

This is the email that a community user receives after they have been removed from an organization.


FSDirect re-Sync notification

This is the email that an Administrator receives after the FSDirect Re-Sync has finished processing.