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Managing My Profile
Once you have an account in Event Manager, you can access and manage your personal information. This includes viewing a list of your events, managing email notification settings, editing your name and password, and more.
To access My Profile:
- Click on the My Profile menu option from the side navigation menu.
How to Manage Your My Profile Page
The My Profile page is divided into six tabs:
My Events
This tab is displayed by default when the My Profile page is opened. This list page displays events that you have registered for, events marked as favorites, and wait list events.
- All events are displayed by default. You can filter the list of events displayed by clicking My Registrations, My Favorites, or My Wait List.
- You can also filter the list by selecting a start and end date to display and click Update to show the results.
- Click on an event title to open that event on the public calendar.
My Subscriptions
This tab allows you to define which email notifications you'd like to receive within Event Manager. You can also manage any existing calendar subscriptions.
- Click on the My Subscriptions tab.
There are subscription settings available for:
Event Cancellation Notifications: Choose whether or not to receive emails any time an event is cancelled.
Event Workflow Notifications: Choose whether or not to receive emails that are related to event workflow.
- Order Notifications (All Events): Choose whether to receive emails when an order is submitted for events created by anyone for all sites, specific site(s), or not at all.
- Request to join an Organization: Choose whether or not to receive emails whenever someone requests to join an organization.
- Organization Membership Activity: Check the boxes for all email notifications you would like to receive about organization activity. These notifications only apply to organizations you are a member of or have requested to join.
- Tasks Notifications: Check the boxes for all email notifications you would like to receive about Tasks in Event Manager
- Once you have made all necessary changes, click Update.
My Purchases
This tab allows you to view any sale items you have purchased for events.
- Click on the My Purchases tab. A list of your purchases will be displayed.
- Click the down arrow next to an event to view a breakdown of the charges for that event.
- Click on the event name if you would like to view that event from the public calendar.
My Info
This tab displays your personal information, such as name, email, phone number, and address. You can also change your password and receive a subscription token from this tab.
- Click on the My Info tab.
- You can edit your personal information as necessary.
- Check the box next to Password if you'd like to change your password.
- Enter your Current Password.
- Enter your New Password, and then confirm it.
- Check the box next to Subscription Token to generate a token that will allow you to subscribe to private event feeds.
- Click Generate to force generate a new token. *Note: This will remove authorization from existing event feeds for the old token.
- Click Update to save all changes.
My Organizations
This tab displays a list of all organizations you are a member of. You can also create an organization and request to join an organization here.
- Click on the My Organizations tab.
Request to Join an Organization
- Click Request to Join an Organization.
- Enter the name of your Organization.
- To register as a member of more than one organization, click Add Another Organization and enter the name in the field. *Note: You can request to be a member of as many organizations as needed.
- Click Request to submit your request(s).
Create an Organization
- Click Create an Organization. This will open the Organization creation form. *Note: All required fields are indicated with an asterisk.
Organization Details
- Enter the Organization Name.
- Enter a Description for the organization. *Note: There is a character limit of 500 characters.
- Enter the organization's address information under Address 1, Address 2, City, State, and Zip.
- Enter the organization's Website, if applicable.
Financial Info
Provide any financial information that is relevant for the organization.
- Select an Organization Type.
- Select the Payment Type.
- Select the Invoice Type.
- Enter the organization's FEIN (Federal Tax ID), if applicable.
- You can enter the organization's insurance information, if relevant, in the Insurance Company, Policy Number, Coverage Amount, and Coverage Expiration fields.
- Click Submit to complete your request. *Note: Your Organization request will be reviewed and you will receive notification once the request has been approved or denied.
My Attachments
This tab displays a list of all images or attachments you have uploaded to the Community section of the Media Library in Event Manager.
- Click on the My Attachments tab.
- Select Attachments if you would like to view a list of the attachments you have uploaded.
- If necessary, you can filter the list of images or attachments by entering a search term and clicking Search.
- You can Download any images or attachments in the list by clicking the link next to the file.