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Approving a Room Booking Request

Once a room booking request has been submitted, it may need to be approved. In order to approve a room booking request, you will need to have the appropriate permission activated for your user role.


  1. Click on the Home tab and then on the Overview tab.
  1. Click on Room Bookings in the side navigation menu, then select Room Requests.
  2. Hover over the room booking request you would like to approve and select Book It.



  1. In the Room Booking Approval pop-up window, click through each step to review the request information and make any necessary changes.
    1. If you approve the information, click Next at the bottom of the window to move on to the next step.
    2. If you do not approve the information, click "To reject this request click here" in the yellow banner at the top of the window.



  1. If all steps are approved, click the Approve Room Booking button at the bottom of Step 3.