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Setting Up Rounds

Rounds are scheduled by using a template, similar to a scheduled work order. Once the template generates an instance of a round, that round can be completed. To set up the security rounds for your account, you will begin by creating Security Round Templates.

Watch the Video Tutorial:

How to Add A Security Round Template

  1. Click the Add button at the top right corner of the screen and select Security Round Template.
  2. Enter a Rounds Name so this template can be easily identified.
  3. In the Add Checkpoints field, use the Location picker to select the checkpoints you want included in this round. *Note: If you do not see a checkpoint you need, you can add a new one from the Round Template screen by clicking the link beneath the Location picker.
  4. In the Current Checkpoints section, you can reorder the checkpoints by grabbing the hamburger icon next to the number and dragging the checkpoint to its correct spot in the list. You will also have the opportunity to upload a photo of the checkpoint, add a checkpoint note, and require a barcode scan for the checkpoint, if needed.
  5. Select a frequency for this round in the Schedule section.
    • Daily - Select either Every (_) day(s) or Every weekday. Example: For a round that needs to be done every day including weekends, enter Every (1) day.

    • Weekly - Repeat every (_) week(s) on (day(s) of the week). Example: For a round that needs to take place every other Monday, enter Weekly - Recur every (2) weeks with a check mark in the box next to Monday.

    • Monthly

      • Day (_) of every (_) month(s). Example: For a round that needs to take place on the 15th day of every month, enter Day (15) of every (1) month.

      • The (first) (Sunday) of every (_) month(s). Example: For a round that needs to be done on the first Monday of every quarter, enter the (first) (Monday) of every (3) months.

    • Yearly

      • Every (January) (_) every (_) year(s). Example: For a round that needs to take place on October 15th of every year, enter (October) (15) and Every (1) Years.

      • The (first) (Sunday) of (January) every (_) year(s). Example: For a round that will be done on the first Monday in May every other year, enter The (first) (Monday) of (May) and Every (2) Years.


           Bright Idea:

    If you miss a single checkpoint in a round, the system will consider it a missed round that needs to be acknowledged. Therefore, we recommend setting up separate rounds throughout the day if the checkpoints needed for each round vary. For example, if you do not need to check visitor parking during the day, setup your morning rounds to exclude the visitor parking checkpoint, and create a separate evening round template that includes the visitor parking checkpoint. Once you have setup the first rounds template, click the Duplicate Rounds Template link to copy the template, make your changes, and quickly create the second template you need.



  6. Enter a Start Time, Duration, and Start Date for this round template. If you know an appropriate End Date you can add that information as well, but it is optional.
  7. Click Save Rounds Template.