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Managing Staff

Your staff members may need to have their profile information updated over time due to changes in their role, department, or credentials. You can manage your list of staff members to keep up with any necessary changes.

  1. Click on Search in the navigation menu, then click the Staff/Contractors tab.
  2. Use the various fields to search for the appropriate staff member.
  3. Click Search Now.
  4. Click on the staff member's Name to update their information.


How to Change a Staff Member's Role

       Bright Idea: 

We recommend changing a staff member's role through their user profile, as indicated below, to ensure they are properly removed from their previous role. We do not recommend changing a staff member's role by going into the Users Settings.


  1. In the window that appears, use the drop-down menu to select the appropriate Role. *Note: The Role chosen determines the permissions the staff member will have access to.
  2. Click Save at the bottom of the section.
  3. Click Close at the bottom of the window to return to the search page.

How to Change a Staff Member's Application

  1. In the window that appears, use the drop-down menu to select the appropriate Application. The current role permissions set for the staff member will also apply within the new application updated here.
  2. Click Save at the bottom of the section.
  3. Click Close at the bottom of the window to return to the search page.

How to Update a Staff Member's User Name

  1. In the window that appears, type in a new unique Username. We recommend using the staff member's email address as the username to ensure it is unique. *Note: If your account utilizes Single Sign-On (SSO), you must provide a valid email address as the username.
  2. Click Save at the bottom of the section.
  3. Click Close at the bottom of the window to return to the search page.

How to Reset a Staff Member's Password

  1. In the window that appears, click Reset Password.
  2. Create a new password for the staff member by typing the password into both the Staff Password and Retype Password fields. We recommend using a secure password that includes letters, numbers, and a symbol.
  3. Click Reset Password.
  4. Click Save at the bottom of the section.
  5. Click Close at the bottom of the window to return to the search page.