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Navigating the Editor Toolbar

For most users, the look and feel of the online editor toolbar will be quite familiar and easy to use. To provide you with a quick navigation, each set of icons has been grouped for easy reference.



Group # Button Icon Button Name Description
Group 1 Source This button toggles the view between the editor view and the HTML view.
Print This button will print all content typed into the text editor.
Templates If you need to choose from preformatted text templates for your content.
Group 2 Preview Gives you a full page preview of your plan
Cut Will remove and copy selected content to the clipboard.
Copy Will copy selected content to the clipboard.
Paste Paste content copied to the clipboard along with formatting.
Paste as plain text When you need to paste pre-formatted text into a page but do NOT want to keep the formatting this is how you do it. The paste as text feature strips all formatting.
Paste from Word If you are insistent on keeping the exact look of something from Word then this is your feature.
Undo Undo the most recent action.
Redo Redo the most recent action.
Group 3 Find Searches the editor to find a word or phrase
Replace Replaces a word or phrase with a new word or phrase automatically.
Select All Selects all text within the editor screen.
Spell Checker Manual spell check. If you want to enable the editor's check spelling as you type feature then click this button.
Group 4 Bold Apply bold formatting to the text.
Italic Apply italic formatting to the text.
Underline Apply underline formatting to the text.
Strikethrough Apply strikethrough formatting to the text.
Subscript Subscripts are the small numbers that appear after and somewhat below the variable.
Superscript Superscripts are the small numbers that appear after and slightly raised above the variable.
Remove Format Remove the formatting of the selected text.
Group 5 Text Color Change the color of text.
Background Color Changes the background of the text.
Group 6 Checkbox Creates a small box that can be checked and unchecked by the user.
Radio Button Small buttons that when selected turn black.
Text Field Allows you to insert a text field.
Textarea Allows you to add a multi line text field into a form.
Selection Field Allows you to insert a selection field into a form.
Button Allows you to insert a button into a form field.
Image Button Allows you to insert an image button into a form field.
Group 7 Insert/Remove Numbered List Lists provide a way to structure text in a clear manner as well as group items that belong together in numbered lists.
Insert/Remove Bulleted List Lists provide a way to structure text in a clear manner as well as group items that belong together in bulleted lists.
Decrease Indent Indentation allows you to tab text from left to right.
Increase Indent Indentation allows you to tab text from left to right.
Block Quote Format a block of text as indented quotation.
Create Div Container The HTML <div> tag is used for defining a section of your document.
Align Left Aligns text to the left.
Center Centers text.
Align Right Aligns text to the right.
Justify Jus­ti­fied text is spaced so the left and right sides of the text block both have a straight edge.
Text direction from left to right Set text direction as from left to right (default value for most Western languages).
Text direction from right to left Set text direction as from right to left (languages like Arabic, Persian, Hebrew).
Group 8 Link Used for linking text to various points within the text, to a web page, email or phone number.
Unlink Used for unlinking text from various points within the text, to a web page, email or phone number.
Anchor This sets an anchor for a link to land on from another point within the same event text.
Group 9 Image This button allows you to link an image to itself or something else.
Table When you click the table button you will get a dialog box that allows you to format a table.
Insert Horizontal Line Allows you to add a horizontal line to break up sections.
Insert Special Character Gives you a pop window of special characters to add to your text.
Group 10


This is where you can select from a list of commonly used text styles.
Format This is where you can select from a list of preformatted text to help create the layout of your content.
Font This is where you change the font of your text.
Size This is where you change the size of your text.