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How to Create a Work Order

Watch the Video Tutorial:


*Note: Any field marked with a red checkbox () is required.


  • Click on the New Request tab.



  • Identify where the work needs to be done by selecting a Location.

  • If your organization utilizes the Bldg./Unit field, select one from the drop down menu.

  • If applicable, select the general Area type that best fits the location of the work request.

  • Enter the specific area in the Area Number field. *Note: The Area Number field is a free text field and you can enter specific room names or numbers here.

  • If applicable, select the Equipment that will be tied to this work request.



  • Select the Priority for the work order.
  • Select the appropriate Problem Type that best describes the request/issue you are reporting.



  • Type in a Description of the problem.



  • The Contact Information fields will already be filled in with your information.



  • If there are images or documents that need to be attached, click on the Attach New File link. *Note: You can attach up to two images per work request.
  • If applicable, enter Action Taken notes to describe what was done to complete the work. This field is optional.
  • Click the Submit button when you are finished. *Note: Your new requests are automatically shown as approved by you on submit when the request is routed to you by the system.