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COVID-19 Tips - Conserve and Optimize Maintenance

We want you to feel empowered even in today's uncertainty, which is why we're sharing Work Order best practices with you. Please reach out to your Client Success Manager for any questions or concerns you may have about utilizing Work Order for your COVID-19 needs.


       Bright Idea:

We have also created a list of resources to help you stay on top of your operations during COVID-19. Check out the blogs, videos, and podcasts we have compiled on our Brightly website and remember that the Dude is beside you!


Conserving Resources By Postponing Non-Critical PM Schedules

There are only so many hours in a day and now that your staff is devoting time to COVID-19 related issues, you may need to conserve your resources and reprioritize some of their existing work. One way to do this is by pausing some of your non-critical PM schedules, so that they do not generate new work orders during this pandemic.


Focus on High Priority Work

We know you and your staff already have a full plate and now with the additional COVID-19 related work, you are juggling multiple needs and prioritizing that work accordingly. You can use Work Order to communicate the high priority items to your staff by using the Priority field on the work order.


Tracking Your Staff and Their Work

Social distancing is key in helping to prevent the spread of COVID-19. It is important to know which staff are critical for continued operations so you can manage their work accordingly. For assistance, you can use the Notes field to record which staff are essential vs non-essential and then run a report to view the users in each criteria. You can then run an Advanced Search by location to plan where it is best to distribute your staff.