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Entering a New Work Order
- To enter a new work order, click on the NEW WORK ORDER tab.
- Enter a Description to describe what work needs to be completed.
- Click the magnifying glass on the Location/Equipment line to select a location or piece of equipment that will be tracked on this work order. If your location or equipment contains sub-locations or sub-equipment, a tree icon will be located beside the Location or Equipment Name. Click this to view sub-Locations/Equipment. *Note: If you are tracking usage on the selected equipment, you will see a Record Usage link appear below the Location/Equipment field. Click this to open a side panel where you can see the Last Reading for the equipment, as well as update the Reading if needed.
- In the Status drop down, New Request is selected by default. *Note: If entering a work order that is already in progress or has been completed, you can choose the appropriate status.
- In the Priority drop down, Medium is selected by default. Click on the down arrow to choose another priority level if needed.
- Click on the down arrow on the Purpose line to choose a Purpose that best describes why the work is being requested.
- If this work order needs to be tied to a Project, select the appropriate one from the drop down.
- Click on the magnifying glass on the Assigned To line to select a user to assign the work order to. If an additional user needs to be assigned to the work order, click on the magnifying glass again and select another user.
- Select a Trade to describe what type of work needs to be done.
- The Request Date defaults to the current date and time that the work order is being entered.
- You are able to manually enter in a date by highlighting the current date and erasing it, or click on the calendar icon to select a new date. *Note: Request Dates can be backdated. If you are clearing the date it will also clear the time. Once a new date is entered, the time will default to 12:00 AM.
- Update the time by highlighting the current time and erasing it. Once a new time is entered, click on the down arrow to select whether time is AM or PM.
- Identify the name of the Requester in the Requested By section by clicking on the magnifying glass. By default, the user who is entering the work order will be listed.
- Utilize the Estimated Hours and Estimated Costs fields to track this information on your work order.
- Enter a Scheduled Start Date for when you would like the technician to begin the work.
- Enter a Due Date to show the targeted completion date the user has to complete the work order. *Note: If the work order goes past the Due Date and has not been put into a complete status, the work order will show as overdue. The Due Date will also generate a number of days to complete the work order when looking at the work order list.
Adding Tasks
- The Task section allows you to enter specific procedures regarding the work order.
- Click on Add Task.
- Enter a title for the task on the blank space beside the task number to give an overall idea of what the task will be. *Note: Once you begin entering text for the first task, a new blank task line will automatically appear below. You must enter a task before you can begin typing on the procedure line.
- On the Procedure line, go into detail about the task to tell the worker exactly what needs to be done.
- Enter any necessary notes on the Notes line.
- Delete a task by clicking on the trash can icon to the right of the task.
Selecting a Task Book
- You also have the option of selecting a pre-made Task Book by clicking on Select a Task Book.
- Click on the magnifying glass to choose a task book you would like to copy. Click OK when you're finished.
- The Action Taken field is used to document what was done to resolve the problem or request.
- You are able to track Downtime on your assets by entering hours, minutes, and costs associated with that downtime.
- Select a Failure Reason from the drop down to document why the asset failed.
- Enter a Completion Date to document when the work was completed. *Note: The Completion Date must be on or after the Request Date. If creating a work order with a status of Complete, the Completion Date becomes a required field.
- Click on Add Attachment. *Note: You are able to upload up to 100 attachments.
- If the attachment is an image, you will see a preview of the image.
- Click on the preview of the image to see a larger version of it. *Note: There is no file size limit, however, images over 10MB will not generate a preview. Common file types you can attach are JPEG, PNG, PDF, Excel, and Word Documents.
- Click on Add Link.
In the side panel, enter the URL. *Note: When a URL is entered, the link's name, description, and thumbnail image will automatically populate if available. This information can be saved as-is or edited before saving.
- Click Save.
- Your link will now be visible on the work order. Click the pencil icon to edit the link or, click the trash can icon to delete it.