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Citizen Portal: Registering and Logging In

Creating a New Account

You are able to submit an anonymous work request at any time however, if you want to view your existing requests, you will need to create an account.


  • Open your web browser and type your Mobile311 Citizen Portal URL into the address bar and hit the Enter key.
  • Click the three lines in the left corner of the map to access the menu and click Register.



  • Enter your email address and confirm it. *Note: Your email address will be your login name.
  • Enter your First Name and your Last Name.
  • Enter a Password and confirm it.
  • If desired, enter a Phone Number. This field is optional.
  • Click the Register button. *Note: After registering, you will receive an email asking you to activate your account. You must click the link in the email before you are able to sign in with your new credentials.


Logging into the Citizen Portal

If you already have a Citizen Portal account set up, you are able to log in to view existing requests or create a new request.


  • Open your web browser and type your Mobile311 Citizen Portal URL into the address bar and hit the Enter key. Bookmark this page or create a shortcut on your desktop to make it easy to come back to this page later.


       Bright Idea:

To create a shortcut to your desktop, find a blank area on this screen and right click on your mouse. You will have the option to create a shortcut or add to your favorites. Creating a shortcut will add an icon to your desktop. You can double click the icon next time you want to sign in.


  • On the next screen, you will see a map. Click the three lines in the left corner of the map to access the menu.
  • Select Login.



  • Enter your Email and Password into the corresponding text fields and click Login. *Note: Check the box next to Stay Logged In to stay signed into your account for 30 consecutive days on your mobile device or web browser.