How to Complete Trip Tasks
As a Service Provider, you can mark trip tasks complete right from your home page. If you are also a user in MaintenanceDirect, you may be able to create work orders from your assigned tasks to be able to track your labor.
Completing Trip Tasks from the Home Page
- In the Upcoming Events section on the home page, select the Departing Location and/or Organization according to which trips you want to see. If not selected, these fields will default to View All.
- This section will only show five dates at a time, so if needed click on Prev 5 Days or Next 5 Days to find the trip you need.
- When you want to mark the trip task complete, click the Complete button below the task.
- You can also mark the task complete by clicking Done on the task in the To Do Tasks section on your home page.
Creating a Work Order from a TripDirect Task
- From the Upcoming Events section of your home page, click on the Create Work Order button under an assigned task to create a work order in MaintenanceDirect for this task. *Note: You will have this option only if your organization owns MaintenanceDirect, and if you are a non-requester user in MaintenanceDirect.
- A pop-up window will appear asking you to confirm that you would like to create the work order. Click OK, and a new window or tab will open with the MaintenanceDirect work order.
- The Upcoming Events section of your home page will now show the Work Order ID associated with the task.